Covid19 Prevention

Covid19 Preventive Care

Dr. Gowthaman talks about simple but effective ways to prevent the spread of Coronavirus as you work from home

There is a great deal of fear and confusion for people across the country during this Corona era. There’s no clarity about the disease, no understanding, no awareness about how to protect oneself. 

Everyone is confused about what Covid and the pandemic. Is all about. The main reason for this is modern medicine. There is not as much focus on traditional medicine as there should be. 

Whenever you go outside, it’s important to wash your face, hands and feet, we should even take a bath. There should be a space of two feet between one person and the other. There’s a gap of two feet even between the Samis in the temple. Even in the royal sculpture of the temple, there is a space of two feet between one seat and the other. The isolation of the individual, awareness of the infection, cleanliness, hygiene are very important. If we follow the traditional medical wisdom, we will all be safe, as the world is going to face a lot of things like the coronavirus.

The following are eight things that are most important for this period:

First of all, there is a lot of confusion as to whether or not to mask. Spain ended their Lockdown a while ago.. So over the subsequent weekend celebration, the people of that country cooperated with the Govt. by wearing masks from morning till night. This is what keeps them from the infection. 

Keeping my mask on from morning till night has saved me from the coronavirus disease. Many people ask me if it is true that doctors say the carbon dioxide emitted by wearing the mask is inhaled by the air? There are doctors who wear the mask at the time of surgery; sometimes for 12 hours to 14 hours. So does that mean they breathe carbon dioxide? The air outside will go inside. While the air from inside the mask comes in. Meanwhile the mask is one thing to avoid infection. The window and the door are closed and we sleep in an a/c room.. Can one then say that the other is breathing the carbon dioxide air that comes out?

The second thing. Coronavirus impacts taste and aroma. If you take an oxygen meter reading as soon as you get these symptoms, it will perhaps show that your saturation level is not 95. However you delay going to the doctor and take the test two days later, the lungs will be 20 percent affected. Therefore, go to the doctor as soon as the symptoms are known. It is best to isolate yourself until the test results come out.

The third diet is when the world is scared and at home, please follow the guidelines.. Tamils ​​celebrate Lockdown as a festival. Meat shops are four times more crowded than usual. There is no compromise  on diet. These days people should switch to vegetarianism. Vegetables, greens, fruits and nuts have high immunity. Eat rice porridge and boiled vegetables.

The fourth is fear. This fear is what causes the oxygen level to decrease. Fear is the main reason for the oxygen requirement of Covid patients in the hospital. Oxygen levels vary with fear. When you breathe in fear, your breathing becomes faster. There will be a shortage of oxygen. Even modern doctors I know are talking to me with fear at midnight. I have been teaching them breathing exercises and meditation exercises.

Fifth, do not follow the advice of uneducated geniuses on TV, WhatsApp, YouTube, etc. They are giving you advice which has no medical basis. Use it with precautionary measures.

Sixth, unlike the first wave of Covid, the second Covid wave is different. There is a sore throat. There is fever and a headache. But, after two days there were no symptoms. Do not be complacent that you have conquered the corona. On the 8th day the shortness of breath begins. So, isolate yourself for 14 days after seeing the symptoms and follow what the doctors say.

Seventh, there is a problem with body waste. Do not be indifferent to the fact that there is constipation and the inability to eat properly. If there is constipation the body heat will increase. Thus the impact of the virus will increase and the immune system will start to weaken. The chances of Covid coming in will increase.

Eighth; the most important thing is do not self-medicate. Many take the drugs or medicines themselves and die of stomach ulcers. It is better to visit the doctor and listen to his advice.

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